Dicono di noi

In una delle sedi del noto service Madema in Roma
ho assistito ad un interessante demo con i nuovi prodotti della CHAUVET
distribuiti dalla ZALIGHT.
Purtroppo non ho potuto fare una vera e propria Pagina dei Test per il poco tempo a disposizione.
Sono comunque riuscito a vedere all'opera alcuni interessanti prodotti CHAUVET Professional.

Ecco un reportage su alcune delle novità presenti:

IL MAVERICK Storm 4 Profile

Con il suo modesto (per dire) led bianco interno da 1.250 watt e 60.000 lumen, di certo... si faceva notare.
Questo potente spot - profile testa mobile, IP65 è stato il primo prodotto dimostrato.
In una spaziosa sala con tanto di pannello bianco da proiezione ho visto uno spot luminoso e dettagliato.
La qualità delle ottiche è venuta fuori subito proiettando i gobos complessi in vetro.
Ora tante case producono testa mobile led sopra il KW ma se poi questa potente fonte non è asservita
da un'ottica di qualità, non si va da nessuna parte.

 Devo dire che questo Maverick Storm 4 Profile sfrutta egregiamente il suo motore luminoso interno.
Le proiezioni sono pulite a tutte le posizioni di zoom senza "effetti botte" o fuori fuoco ai bordi.
Anche il suo mescolatore colore passivo CMY lavora omogeneo senza spurie colorate.
La qualità del colore è risultata buona nonostante la scelta di usare un led con un CRI modesto (71.5).
Questo, ovviamente non è un errore progettuale, anzi un vantaggio.

Al posto di produrre più versioni con led diversi, la CHAUVET con il Maverick Storm 4 Profile ci da (all'interno) due possibilità:
> Possiamo usare il led senza filtri con la massima resa luminosa, utile nei live e nei concerti per l'effettistica pura.
> Usare il filtro interno che porta il CRI a 91, se dobbiamo lavorare su bianchi e colori di estrema qualità (TV e Cine).

Continua a leggere su: https://www.enricocairoli.com/demoZalight2023.htm

CHAUVET Professional Names Zalight Exclusive Distributor In Italian Market

As part of its initiative to increase its level of service and product availability throughout the world, CHAUVET Professional has appointed Zalight the exclusive distributor of its products in Italy.

"The timing of Chauvet and Zalight joining forces to develop the Italian market is spot on, as both companies share a similar vision and culture,” said Stéphane Gressier, International Sales Director of Chauvet.  “We are thrilled to start this new adventure with Graziano Zanini and Luca Di Donato's team at Zalight.  Antonio Parise, our Business Development Manager EMEA,  and Goran Doncic, our Senior European Business Development Manager EMEA, and the rest of the Chauvet team are looking forward to accomplishing great things with Zalight.”

Graziano Zanini, CEO of Zalight, is equally enthused about the new agreement, staging, “CHAUVET Professional needs no introduction. It is a highly respected global brand with offices with universally recognized leadership, and a wide catalog of top-quality products. We have always been impressed by its ability to respond to market needs with innovative technological solutions.”

Recent examples of CHAUVET Professional innovations that have impressed Zalight include the Color STRIKE M, and the COLORado PXL Bar 16 as well as the entire range of IP65 moving heads, which are increasingly being specified on many international tours.

“Thanks to its extraordinary variety of products, CHAUVET Professional offers infinite possibilities to lighting professionals,” said Luca Di Donato, Business Development Manager of Zalight, “Our goal is to make it a reference brand also in Italy, as is already the case in many countries around the world.”

For his part, Antonio Parise, said.  “I have known Graziano and Luca for many years, and I feel very confident on their ability to succeed with Chauvet in the Italian market.  We are here to support Zalight 100% in their endeavors”

About CHAUVET Professional
CHAUVET Professional offers innovative professional lighting fixtures for the production and touring market as well as permanent installation in theaters, hospitality venues, cruise ships, clubs, television and architainment applications. For more information, please visit www.chauvetprofessional.com



CHAUVET Professional names Zalight as exclusive distributor in Italian market

Equipson appoints ZaLight to head up FANTEK products in Italy

Acclaimed distribution company will now be responsible for promoting and selling FANTEK's entire range of products which include lifts, trusses, platforms and telescopic towers

Mantova-based ZaLight has been appointed to handle the Italian distribution of all products manufactured by FANTEK, an internationally acclaimed manufacturer of telescopic towers, platforms, trusses, modular supports for LED walls and more.

As part of the Spanish group Equipson, FANTEK is renowned for following a rigorous quality path, from modern CAD design through to construction with computerised operating machines and stringent validation tests. These, combined with the company's long history and illustrious reputation, were the qualities that attracted ZaLight to the brand, says ZaLight business development manager Luca Di Donato.

"I am very happy to work with FANTEK again, having launched the brand on the Italian market almost 20 years ago," he says. "In my view, FANTEK's careful quality process and attention to detail are a guarantee of reliability and success. ZaLight's philosophy is to only distribute brands of the highest quality and indisputable prestige. FANTEK perfectly embodies these features."

Juan José Vila, COO and CMO of Equipson, adds: "We are delighted to have a company of the calibre of ZaLight representing FANTEK products. Some FANTEK products are already well known in Italy but we are constantly developing new products and these, combined with the sales and marketing expertise of ZaLight, will ultimately make the brand much more visible internationally. For a company that has a history of more than 70 years, these really are exciting times."

ZaLight, which also distributes Equipson's LightShark range of DMX-based hardware lighting consoles, was established in 2013 and now distributes products to a wide range of industry sectors including Broadcast Events, Cinema, Theatre and architectural. Its distribution portfolio includes many international brands and it prides itself on providing tailor-made support to customers, from first design to final production.

"The agreement with FANTEK positively integrates our existing portfolio of products with a range of proven quality accessories aimed at projects of all sizes including exhibition set-ups, live events and fixed or temporary installations," Di Donato adds. "As part of our relaunch of the FANTEK brand in Italy we will be running an intense marketing campaign, and setting up a show room where customers can demo FANTEK products. Many customers already know of FANTEK but our sales team will be promoting the entire range and building on the company's established reputation for quality and professionalism."

TPI – Total Production International

The 66th edition of Eurovision Song Contest was one of Italy’s most-anticipated television shows of the year, broadcast live to an audience of millions.

2022 marked a significant year for the Contest, celebrating the comeback of the great live shows after the two-year stop due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For that reason, the production of the event decided to highlight unique and innovative scenic machinery. Rollstar, a stage effect that reinvents projectors’ movements in large live shows, made its world premiere at Eurovision Song Contest 2022.

Rollstar blends electronics and mechanics in a self-contained system that supports, powers and controls the projectors installed on it, and allows them to rotate.

The lighting project of the show included 16 Rollstar 200s, divided into four clusters of four units each.

The clusters were controlled by a system of hoists and rails that allowed them to be moved, raised and lowered, and tilted.

The interaction between the motion of the clusters, the rotation of the wheels, the movement of the moving heads and the effects installed on the Rollstars, highlighted the event with an unprecedented visual impact.

Rollstar is produced by 3DSound Image and marketed worldwide by Zalight.



Ampio reportage di Enrico Cairoli al Microsalon 2021 con approfondimenti sulle novità presentate da Zalight: Exalux Control Touch, Fomex Flexcolor 1200, Quartzcolor Studio Led X1 Plus, Gen Energy Batterie ed Inverter, MyMethod Clone, MT Aqua Haze 700.
Leggi qui l’articolo completo:


“Nel 2015 abbiamo affidato a Zalight lo sviluppo del mercato italiano che noi avevamo un po’ tralasciato per concentrarci su progetti internazionali.

Con tenacia e professionalità ha saputo conquistare per i marchi Quartzcolor e Cosmolight una fetta di mercato sempre crescente.

E’ stata una soddisfazione vedere come le nostre luci sono state introdotte nelle sedi italiane di importanti emittenti internazionali che hanno avuto fiducia nella competenza e affidabilità di Zalight.

Siamo sicuri che le recenti acquisizioni ed evoluzioni aziendali daranno ulteriore impulso alla crescita di Zalight e con essa anche di Cosmolight.”

(Pina Rocchi, Cosmolight)


“Lites ha trovato in Zalight il partner ideale per lo sviluppo commerciale dei propri prodotti in Italia.

Grazie a Zalight i nostri Retrofit  sono stati introdotti in diversi ambiti professionali, dalle Rental al Broadcast, con importanti ritorni di vendite e di feeback tecnici preziosi.”

(Mauro Perosi, Lites)


Enrico Cairoli racconta il DAYS OF DELIGHTS organizzato da Zalight in collaborazione con Cosmolight.
Un ampio reportage sulle ultime novità dei Brand distribuiti da Zalight: Infinity by Cosmolight, Studioled X Plus by Quartzcolor, Jorgos by R2Lights, Galaxy300 e HotBeams by RGB Laser System, HPLED by Lites.
Leggi qui l’articolo completo:


“Nel realizzare la nuova Sala Lounge di Radio Italia la richiesta principale era quella che si potesse adattare alle più svariate situazioni che si sarebbero potute presentare nel tempo. Era necessario realizzare un ambiente che offrisse agli artisti la possibilità di incontrare il proprio pubblico e poter cosi fare una registrazione video per il finale della trasmissione Radio Italia Live.

Graziano Zanini di Zalight mi ha aiutato a progettare un setup che potesse essere il più adattabile possibile e fosse facile da gestire per sopperire alle incognite.

Le soluzioni studiate oltre ad avermi soddisfatto pienamente mi hanno fatto risparmiare anche in termini di tempo e cablaggio in quanto avevo deciso di usare solamente proiettori a led.”

(Ivan Lavezzoli, Direttore della Fotografia)

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